Saturday, January 29, 2011

Why this blog?

Welcome to the BAM ~ LAM blog! I first must admit that I created this blog two weeks ago after reading a chapter of the book Taking Care of the Me in Mommy by Lisa Whelchel. She played the character "Blair" on The Facts of Life. The book is a posting all in itself. I actually picked up the book after reading a post from Kelly's Korner. Again that is another posting all for itself. What inspired me to blog though was she was talking about journaling your prayer life. I thought to myself, "I've wanted to blog (since all my friends do) and what way to journal my prayers than through a blog. Kill two birds with one stone.

I started a blog McIntosh Madness last year after my daughter, who is now 16 months old, was born. I wanted to blog her life. Well, I posted once and then got wrapped up in the everyday life of things and never blogged. My new years resolution this year was to grow closer to God by praying more and reading divotions and my bible everyday and to actually do a blog. Well I am so proud of myself for praying more and doing the blog. I'm working on fitting in the reading to my everyday schedule. Now that I am back to work after having our 2nd child 7 weeks ago, I believe I have more time to read.

I don't expect my blog to every have hundreds of followers. I'm doing this for me and for my children and if I help one person out in the process then I've accomplished my mission.

Dear Jesus, I first want to thank you for the wonderful family you have given me. I know I don't deserve all that you have given me in this life and I'm sure I take it for granted often. You have blessed me with a Godly man for a husband and two children who are a constant reminder of the miracle of life. I pray that you will be the light of this blog. That you will guide my fingers to type only of what you would have me to. I love you. I can't wait to see what you have in store for me, my family, my friends, and this blog. I look forward to knowing you more and more. I love You!


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